This year was the first "Lights of Love 5k." It's a race that benefits Austin's Ronald McDonald House Charities. A really cute idea. Friday December 5th at 7:30, the race began - without me. As soon as my finals are over I am writing a 2 page complaint to whoever was in charge of the directions for this event. The complaint is going to be single-spaced. Oh yes.
We got there 30 minutes early to make sure that we would get a decent spot in the race, not knowing how many people were going to turn out. The race was located at Mueller Hangar - 4550 Mueller Blvd. Can you find it? because my GPS couldn't. It said those roads didn't exist. It was in one of those little shopping mall areas where the street names are there for aesthetics but aren't really roads. Their map deserves an F. PLEASE CLICK THE IMAGE I SCANNED AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. They failed so hard unless the race was supposed to be in lego land. You can't even read the names of anything in the image.
I dare say I might have found it if the cops weren't blocking off every street. When I say this, I don't exaggerate. There was only one way into the place and it wasn't the way the directions on the brochure said to go. I seriously asked 5 different cops where to go and they all told me I was going the right way. I wasn't.
Of course at the end of all of this we were quite late. So what did we do? We ran alone for 2 miles before we caught up to grandmothers walking the 5k. No seriously, they were handing out cookies and water at the first water checkpoint. At the second one, they were handing out only hot chocolate because it was freezing outside. So we drank hot chocolate and walked through a neighborhood that reminded me of the one from Shotime's "Weeds." At least we gave money to a good cause.
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