Monday, September 8, 2008

Movie Review: Death Sentence

Somehow, I found myself watching Death Sentence this weekend. I remembered seeing the preview for it a long time ago so when I saw it on TV, I figured I'd give it a view...

Don't watch that movie. The plot is basically, there is this happy, successful businessman with a wife and two sons. One of his sons is favored more than the other and he is about to go to college. Suddenly, this kid is murdered by a gang at a gas station for no apparent reason. Kevin Bacon snaps and kills the guy who killed his son. The gang retaliates and kills the rest of his family. Kevin Bacon retaliates back and kills the rest of the gang. Roll credits. I've just saved you an hour and a half of your life. I thought the plot was so boring that it doesn't even deserve a better description. It is 10 minutes of character development and 96 minutes of scrawny ole Kevin Bacon killing gang members in a not-so-believable shoot 'em up. I repeat: do not watch that movie.

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