Monday, November 3, 2008

"Trick or Treat I'm 30"

Exactly what is the age cut off for trick-or-treating?  

This year, I decided I’d join my neighbors in giving candy to the neighborhood children… and their older siblings… and their much older siblings… and their parents?  I’m pretty sure I gave candy to a woman with a newborn in a baby carriage.  I’m not so sure Halloween candy is good for an infant’s development.  That child’s going to be wired for life now and now I’m one to blame.  I should have called them both out for not having a costume.  

She reminded me of that person who goes to big events where they give away free snacks and ends up taking home a giant box full of everything they can grab.  I’ll go ahead and say don’t trick-or-treat if you are over 11 or under 1.  

Enjoy the candy while you can, lady.  Next year you will be denied.

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