Imagine coming home at the end of the day, grabbing a frosty pint glass form the freezer and pouring a glass of beer on tap. A lot of people don't seem to know what I'm talking about when I say "kegerator." It's simply a refrigerator that does nothing but keep a keg cold. I love them.
You can buy one for $500-$600 but that's for fools. Making your own is where it's at. You'll save a bunch of money and then you can use the freezer to freeze your mugs or just as an extra freezer. Plus, you get to tell people you made it.
All you have to do is take out all the drawers from an old fridge and drill a hole in it (Vigilantly watch craigslist. I got mine for $50). You'll need a conversion kit which is just a tap, tubes, a CO2 tank and a faucet (you can get fancier with a drip tray or double taps but its not necessary). The cheapest kits I found were here. Once you've assembled your kit, just put the faucet through the door and you'll ready to watch all your friends come over and drink all your booze.
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