Man vs Wild is hosted by Bear Grylls, an ex
British special forces guy who's "climbed mount Everest etc etc." He is followed around by a camera crew that films him demonstrating the survival skills you would need if you were stranded in that week's destination.
Survivorman is hosted by Les Stroud. From what I can tell, he is just an outdoors-man who must have worked at one of those stores like REI or Whole Earth for a really long time. Unlike Bear, Les hauls all the camera equipment with his gear and films himself. He has no film crew following him around and helping him build stuff off camera. He is just alone in the wilderness for 7 days.

I have had the debate with a lot of my friends before about whether Man vs Wild is fake or not. I used to say that it's real but the more I watch, the more I realize how much help he has to be getting. He still eats all the gross beetle larvae and drinks his own pee etc, but his upbeat attitude and healthy look makes the fact that he is in the desert without water and food all day seem improbable. What Man vs Wild does have going for it is Bear's accent. If you know what I'm talking about, lets share a giggle. If you don't, you need to watch Man vs Wild.
yeah i agree i dont like the fact that Bear has ended a few episodes at a freaking hotel thats not teaching anyone about survival also i think its easier to be with ur camera crew b/c u have someone to keep u occupied and as they say 2 heads r better than one Les stroud has no company and has to make his own shelters, fire etc. He gives real life situations like the one in the Wild where hes at a plane crash site now that is realistic survival
its a nice blog..Marc....although bear seems to get food water and other help if needed, we must not forget the fact that he has been eating whatever comes in way..and eating that stuff even when knowing the fact that crew is having food is great job...i would like to add a difference between these two shows...Man Vs wild mainly focus at finding the way out of a jungle desert or mountains...to reach a villege or somthing...but survivorman shows only survival techniques at one place ,he dont show u how to get out of the area..but yes being alone for 7 days is psychologically a challenging task..and Les get full marks for that...-Ajay
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